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Distributor Area and Tracking Form

Are you applying for a new or lost password?
New Account  Lost Password 

Company Information: (Required Information)

Website URL
Retype Password

By submitting this form you hereby acknowledge that you have authorization from the company officers/owners to access package information online.  You will be contacted by email when package information/online shopping is available to you.

In Cases of Lost Password:
For security reasons, your password will only be emailed to the email on file when you originally signed up.  If this email is invalid or you would like to change to a new email, or change your password please call customer service.

Please Print this page before submitting and keep it in a safe place!



H E Long Company
P.O. Box 197
3910 Anderson Road
Morrow, Ohio 45152 USA
Voice: 513.899.2610 | Fax: 513.899.4094